Hello! My name is Adam Stetten.
I am a native North Carolinian, and have had the pleasure of living all over the state; Bald Head Island, Wrightsville Beach, Wilmington, Hickory, Cary, and Raleigh. I love the Triangle Area and am very proud to call it home.
After high school in Wilmington, I went to NCSU for Industrial Engineering. Rather than going to work for a furniture manufacturer upon graduation, I began selling new homes, went into general brokerage, and eventually started Stetten Realty Inc. I envisioned a combined realty, building, and property management firm with a strong focus on environmental stewardship. In order to provide all those services under one roof I needed a lot more experience.
I worked in the non-profit sector for Advanced Energy. On the “Applied Building Science Team” I traveled the country, learned, and even taught building science, and met many fantastic people. More than anything I learned that attention to detail is what good buildings are all about.
After spending a year and a half in research/training, I took a job as a home energy rater. Each day I inspected and tested energy efficient homes that were being built. Generally I would inspect each home at framing, insulation, and when finished so that it could be certified as Energy Star or LEED, or whatever green-building program the builder wanted.
In 2010 I got my general contractors license and decided to practice Real Estate for myself full-time, and to supplement those services with contracting and maintenance services which are so very important. I started Stetten Home Services to provide solutions for all those folks with leaky or dated property who are in a better position to stay, than move. Visit www.EnergyHandyman.com for more information about getting the most out of properties that need work.